What does this study program consist of and how long does it take to complete?
The Pilot Runway program consists of MPL (Multi-Crew Pilot License) program - Ab Initio flight school training, Type Rating, Base and Line training. The overall study duration of the program is approximately 2 years, which might vary depending on the student’s ability to pass mandatory exams by the Civil Aviation Administration (CAA).
Can I combine Pilot Runway studies with work?
No, the duration of this program is relatively compact compared to other programs. The classes are held every day (including weekends) continuously and last for about 6–8 hours daily. Additionally, students often dedicate their remaining time to self-study. You cannot miss more than 20% of the lectures for any subject without a justified reason, as per the Student Code of Conduct.
Do I need to pass Math and Physics exams to become a pilot?
During the selection process, grades in Math and Physics do not affect the selection results. However, knowledge of these subjects gained at school will be useful both during the selection and later during the training.
How can I prepare for the selection process?
Selection process includes stages of tests and interviews. The skill test assesses knowledge in physics, math, and logic, along with specific abilities. Before the test, it’s helpful to revise these subjects as well as practice with joystick and pedal-based computer games to develop the necessary skills. Familiarizing yourself with aircraft instruments like altitude, speed indicators, radar, compass, artificial horizon, heading indicator, and radio frequencies is also recommended, as this knowledge will be valuable during the test and throughout the studies.
Another essential skill to practice is short-term memory abilities, which can be improved through various memory-enhancing online games. Additionally, developing keyboard proficiency is useful, too.
Before attending the interview, prepare a clear and well-founded response to whether you genuinely want and can become a pilot, and what steps you have taken so far. Your motivation and knowledge about the profession are crucial for the selection process. Gathering as much information as possible about the job beforehand is wise, including engaging with students or pilots directly. It will help you make an informed decision about pursuing career as a pilot. The interviews serve as an opportunity to present yourself and persuasively explain why you are the best candidate.
How does the selection process for Pilot Runway differ from applying to a university?
The main difference is that the final decision on whether a candidate can pursue pilot training is based on the results of all stages of the selection process (documents, tests, and interviews), not just the overall score from a high school diploma.
After a candidate submits the necessary documents, proving that they meet the minimum requirements, they proceed to the second stage of the selection process, which can be compared to entrance exams. This stage includes personality assessments, skill tests, interviews with selection specialists and psychologists.
Where will I work after completing the Pilot Runway program?
As part of the Pilot Runway initiative, our current project partners, Avion Express, AirExplore, and SmartLynx Airlines, guarantee a First Officer role at their airlines for the successful program graduates. That is the charm of Pilot Runway!
Is a university degree required for employment at airlines?
No, a university degree is not required to work as a pilot for an airline. Airlines hire pilots based on their commercial pilot license and aircraft Type Rating qualifications, which are not equivalent to a university degree.